Five Biggest Infographic Mistakes Marketers Make

It seems there is another marketing infographic hiding around every corner of the web, and it will probably fall well short of its potential.

Instead of making information easier to consume, many infographics make it harder to understand the information they present or even outright mislead.

Here are 5 of the biggest infographic mistakes marketers make with an example of each. [Read more…]

Become An Inbound Marketer Without Creating Content

Inbound MarketingInbound marketing is all about your content, right? If you use the components of inbound marketing I have shared or the common definition centered on content, social and search, content is at the core.

Content is definitely one path, and the path most companies traditionally take. However, it isn’t the only viable approach. During Marketo’s Social Rockstar Tour presentation, they presented two alternatives to content in inbound marketing.

With more content competing for attention every day, is it time to add these alternatives to your inbound marketing plan? [Read more…]

4 B2B Marketing Myths

The B2B marketing community has become so focused on the journey they have lost sight of the destination.

The purpose of B2B marketing is not leads, relationships, content or branding. Social media, mobile, search and local are all irrelevant at the end of the day.

This focus on the day-to-day marketing and business activities has given rise to a number of B2B marketing myths. [Read more…]

Marketing Is NOT About Relationships

A Couple Walking Across the LawnDevelop a relationship. Don’t propose on the first date. Relationships take time.

You talk about relationships as a marketer. You use the same words and clichés. However, you don’t really mean a relationship.

You won’t take a walk in the park with me because we enjoy spending time together and share what we did today just because we want each other to know.

What do businesses really mean when they talk about relationships and what is marketing’s place in those relationships with clients, prospects and the marketplace at large? [Read more…]

Social Media Does Not Influence B2B Buyers

Social Media HangmanThat was the headline on the first page article when BtoB Magazine landed in my inbox last week. According to new research from IDC, only 18.6% of B2B technology buyers say social media has influenced their purchase decisions or interactions with vendors.

So should B2B organizations shutter their social media efforts or reduce their investments? No.

Stepping back from the details, the research from IDC reaffirms two key guidelines for B2B social media. [Read more…]

The Most Dangerous Opinion in Marketing: Yours

How does your opinion influence your marketing activity?

  • Has your opinion ever biased your creative selection?
  • Has your personal experience with social media increased your perception of its marketing value?
  • Do your watching and reading habits influence the publishers you advertise with?

[Read more…]

Social Media’s Missing Ingredient

[Clock] You Have Time. [Calendar] Do You Have Time?

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You are ready for social media. You have staff, tools and resources. You have a clear strategy, well-defined goals and an execution plan. You have executive support.

But how long will it last? How long will you have the resources and support you need?

Your social media program needs time. [Read more…]

10 Ways to Kickstart Your Inbound Marketing Program

You are creating great content and your website delivers a great experience with a strong conversion rate. Your initial inbound marketing results are promising, but you need more.

Inbound marketing represents a major investment for B2B marketers. Not only do you still need to create content to capture leads, nurture prospects and support sales, you need to create sharable and discoverable content also and then patiently wait before you see the return on this new investment.

Traditional B2B marketers face a challenge. You have a proven marketing formula that includes investments in acquiring new contacts (or lead generation) and in nurturing those contacts. You want to change, but investing in inbound ahead of significant results throws a wrench in your budgeting and planning. [Read more…]

A Nontraditional Application of Triberr: B2B Marketing

Triberr LogoTriberr. Just say the name on Twitter and you are likely to get responses that range from disdain that is only constrained by 140 characters to adoring love and affection. It is a lightening rod application.

  1. I believe as marketers and as individuals, we must serve our connections or audience if we have any desire to maintain and grow them.
  2. I use Triberr.

No, despite the reputation Triberr has with some people, these points are not contradictory.

As a marketer, if your social media program includes establishing individuals as participants in industry conversations, Triberr should be on your radar. [Read more…]