Social Media’s Missing Ingredient

[Clock] You Have Time. [Calendar] Do You Have Time?

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You are ready for social media. You have staff, tools and resources. You have a clear strategy, well-defined goals and an execution plan. You have executive support.

But how long will it last? How long will you have the resources and support you need?

Your social media program needs time. [Read more…]

Selfless Giving and Selfish Companies: A Social Media Conundrum

Wrapped Gifts Retirement Party 7-8-09 8Gifts. When we receive them, we feel special. When we receive them from people we don’t expect them from, they are a wonderful surprise and make a far larger impression.

Gifts are special in part because they represent an investment of time or money someone did not need to make. When we receive these gifts, it makes an impact on us.

However, gifts with strings attached or given out of obligation are not the ones that feel good to give or receive. In fact, we may even come to resent these gifts. [Read more…]

#NewNewTwitter: A New Opportunity for Marketers

Twitter announced a new interface, rolling out over the next few weeks, this morning. You can preview the interface and the new features at

Compared to this change, the previous change to New Twitter (the current interface) was minor. This is a major change and for marketers, it is a far more interesting change. New brand pages give marketers a new home, but the changes to everyone’s stream is where the real opportunities are. [Read more…]