CRM Retargeting: The Shiny New Advertising Tactic?

What if banner ads could become as targeted and relevant as emails?

One of the emerging trends in online advertising promises to make this possible.

Rather than targeting an audience based on various characteristics, CRM retargeting allows you to target segments of your CRM database with online ads. [Read more…]

The New Boundaries of Targeting for B2B Marketing

In B2B marketing, standing out from the crowd and getting your audience’s attention is absolutely critical. The investments you have made in building your marketing database, creating content, and developing a nurture program carefully mapped to the buyer’s journey does nothing if your communication doesn’t get through.

What if your message could get through to more of these individuals and companies?

Today, there are a number of new and emerging opportunities to do exactly that. Here are three of the opportunities I am watching. [Read more…]

8 Tips for Evaluating B2B Online Advertising Opportunities

Last week we looked at 6 ways to find new B2B advertising opportunities using free resources and a bit of creativity. But how do you evaluate new potential publishers you are not familiar with?

Of course, you can look at each publisher’s own audience profile and costs (and you should), but don’t stop there.

Here are eight ways to dig a little deeper and determine if an online publisher is a good potential match for your campaign, again using only free tools and a bit of creativity. [Read more…]

6 Free Ways to Find the Best B2B Advertising Opportunities

An efficient and well targeted online advertising program often means the difference between merely average and outstanding results. However, there is very little quality research available for online planning in B2B.

Here are some of the common challenges marketers face planning a B2B advertising program: [Read more…]

B2B Lead Generation vs B2B Advertising: What You Need to Know

Caution signAmong paid media and advertising tactics, lead generation programs are a key source of leads for B2B marketers, especially in the enterprise technology space. Tell a B2B publisher that you are interested in lead generation and the majority will point to some form of white paper syndication program they offer.

For the sake of this post, lead generation programs refer to publisher programs that promote your content and capture registration. These are contacts or inquiries, not sales leads, but in keeping with the terminology publishers use, we will refer to this as lead generation here.

In enterprise technology, publishers like IDG, Information Week and TechTarget have nearly turned these programs into a science, with guaranteed leads volume and a myriad of filtering and qualification options driven largely by email and newsletter promotions. [Read more…]

10 Ways to Kickstart Your Inbound Marketing Program

You are creating great content and your website delivers a great experience with a strong conversion rate. Your initial inbound marketing results are promising, but you need more.

Inbound marketing represents a major investment for B2B marketers. Not only do you still need to create content to capture leads, nurture prospects and support sales, you need to create sharable and discoverable content also and then patiently wait before you see the return on this new investment.

Traditional B2B marketers face a challenge. You have a proven marketing formula that includes investments in acquiring new contacts (or lead generation) and in nurturing those contacts. You want to change, but investing in inbound ahead of significant results throws a wrench in your budgeting and planning. [Read more…]

Cookie Deletion and Measurement: What you Need to Know

Cookie Crumbs in the LibrarySome days it seems online marketing revolves around cookies, those small text files stored in your browser that may be automatically deleted by browsers or routinely deleted by individuals.

Cookies are used (among other things) for measuring performance, targeting advertising and personalizing sites. But how reliable are cookies and more importantly, how does that impact our data and decisions?

As a way to identify an individual, third party cookies are unreliable. However, most advertising applications for cookies assume they are used to identify a person consistently over time. [Read more…]

An Inconvenient Truth: Your Advertising is Invisible

A growing portion of online advertising is purchased through DSPs and ad networks, and with literally millions of sites that sell ads through these channels, online advertisers cannot rely on knowing every site their ads are on.

With this has come a new wave of quality control issues for online advertisers. According to recent research from ComScore, 31% of banner ads don’t ever have the chance to be seen.

So how many banners really go unseen? Here is a summary of 2011 online advertising in the US, based on data from ComScore: [Read more…]

It’s 10:00 PM. Is Your Content Where It Belongs?

Comscore recently issued a release showing 31% of banner ads from a sample of advertiser had no opportunity to be seen.

The problem is, advertisers often do not know where their ads are running. Increasingly, marketers don’t know where their content is either.

B2B technology marketers running lead generation programs are finding their content or offers on a wide range of sites they never intended to place their content on, yet they are paying $20 to $60, or more, every time someone downloads their content from these sites.

Here are two examples and four steps you can take to protect your content. [Read more…]

The Future of Media and The Role I Want to Play

The digital media landscape is changing rapidly. Once, most advertising was purchased directly from publishers. Today, increasingly, advertisers and agencies are purchasing media in real time auctions, impression by impression.

To put this into context, AT&T purchased 105 billion impressions in 2011, according to research from ComScore. Purchased through modern media platforms, that would require winning 105 billion auctions, and participating in far more.

Today, this change is often wrapped up in discussions of technology, buying media based on audiences (instead of sites), optimization algorithms and new skill sets. In reality, the change is far bigger. [Read more…]