5 Metrics Every B2B Marketer Should Track

Ring with old keysYou have a lead generation program. An influencer program. An advertising program. A marketing automation program.

You measure every detail about every program. And your programs are doing great.

There is just one little problem: you are reporting on a series of programs. Even though reporting shows you are becoming a better marketer, it doesn’t show how marketing, overall, is progressively improving your company’s position. [Read more…]

Social Sleuthing: Who is Sharing Your Content: Twitter & LinkedIn Edition

shadow detective servicesHave you ever wondered who is sharing your blog posts or other content on social media sites but don’t have access to expensive social media monitoring applications that can tell you? Here are ways you can find out who is sharing your content, and in some cases how much traffic each share is driving, on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Some of the approaches here use Google Analytics or WordPress statistics, the measurement solutions I use here on B2B Digital Marketing. [Read more…]