Ad Networks, Exchanges and … B2B?

Ad networks and exchanges are not just for consumer marketers. There are opportunities for B2B marketers to cost effectively add ad networks and exchanges to online advertising campaigns, increasing reach and cost efficiency. And with the emergence of self-service platforms, even marketers with small budgets can test adding these to programs.

Here are three opportunities every B2B marketer should at least consider.

Retargeting allows you to reach people again that visited your site but did not register. If you already have a way to nurture contacts that you don’t have a lot of information about, you know how to use retargeting. The difference is that your message is reaching people that may be earlier in the buying process (they were not willing to give up their information yet), but they already looked at your content. These are your highest value anonymous prospects, and retargeting puts you back in front of them.

But beware, too much of a good thing isn’t good. Use frequency caps and limit your retargeting campaign to only one or two providers, or your retargeting campaign will seem like a stalking campaign.

For Enterprise B2B marketers used to paying premium media costs, even retargeting campaigns with premium networks will seem inexpensive, with CPM rates ranging from about $3 to $8. Although it is generally a great value, retargeting only scales as your site traffic increases.

Search Retargeting
Although search retargeting started as a specialized version of retargeting, giving you a way to segment and reach visitors that came from search, it has evolved into much more. With the launch of companies like and Chango, search retargeting expands the reach of your search campaign to display advertising and allows you to target audiences based on search history.

Audience Targeting
Audience targeting allows marketers to target specific audiences directly. Most audience data used for targeting is inferred based on someone’s browsing history. Although inferred data isn’t perfect, it has consistently outperformed untargeted buys in tests. For small target audiences, adding audience targeting to a network buy is almost always be cost effective.

For B2B marketers, Bizo is one of the leading providers of audience data for targeting, allowing advertisers to target based on role, seniority, industry and company size. Bizo’s data can be used through most exchanges and a number of large sites, like CNNMoney, sell audience-targeted campaigns with Bizo data. Depending on the target audience, there may be a number of different data providers available.

As B2B marketers, we always need more cost effective ways to reach our target audience and extend campaigns. If you are not already running online advertising beyond industry and trade publications, consider these three opportunities in your next plan. You just might find a new winner.

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