Advertising, Big Data, and Google’s Moves To Own It All

Google LogoGoogle just made two major announcements. Long-term, these could change the face of online marketing and advertising for almost every company. But before we look at how they are related, two background points are key.

1. When it comes to online advertising revenue, no one is bigger than Google. Not even Facebook comes close.

2. Online advertising companies that use big data in advertising are today’s market darlings. RocketFuel’s successful IPO last week underlines the value the market is putting on these companies.

Google wants to be both. [Read more…]

7 B2B Advertising Opportunities You Are Missing

B2B advertisers generally target smaller, harder to define audiences than consumer advertisers, which puts a major premium on effective targeting in B2B advertising.

However, many B2B marketing groups are continuing to use the same targeting options they mastered in print and direct mail, simply applied to newer digital marketing tactics.

Today, B2B marketers have many new options available. Below are 7 options and potential providers for each one. [Read more…]

8 Tips for Evaluating B2B Online Advertising Opportunities

Last week we looked at 6 ways to find new B2B advertising opportunities using free resources and a bit of creativity. But how do you evaluate new potential publishers you are not familiar with?

Of course, you can look at each publisher’s own audience profile and costs (and you should), but don’t stop there.

Here are eight ways to dig a little deeper and determine if an online publisher is a good potential match for your campaign, again using only free tools and a bit of creativity. [Read more…]